Wow, it actually snowed in the Las Sendas area just about 2 miles north of my home on Saturday 12/3/11. Of course it did not stay but for a moment on the ground, but it was coming down. We get snow here in the Valley of the Sun every few years, just a dusting and does not last for more than a few hours, but what the heck, it snowed. No my Daughter who moved to Orem, Utah, last year says that we know nothing about the cold weather, I would agree, but we are 650 miles south of her and it should be warmer here.
So, yesterday I put the frost protection blanket on my vegetables that could be damaged by a freeze, as on Monday 12/5 it should be around 27-32 degrees at my home in the morning hours. Just to play it safe for the one Tomato plant that I have the hopes of growing through this winter, I placed a 60 watt light bulb under the blanket and hope that it will help.
I will let you know how it worked out when I check the temp and the plants in the morning.
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