I have included a picture of the garden area, working on a watering system and just waiting. The raised garden kits we sell are working out great. Check out our Ordering page and give us a call.

I already have tomatoes forming on my Sweet Pea Currant Tomatoes, look closely and you can see them.

I also went to the Arizona Home and Garden show this last Friday and found some Rock dust type minerals that will help the bad soil we have here, put it and some other stuff on the tomatoes and will see how they work out. We might be adding this minerals and fertilizer to our ordering system, Keep checking back and see what we have.
I promise that I will be better at getting updates to the blog, but for the next 2 weeks I will be studying for a few tests so I can get hired onto a full time permanent job. Not a big fan of contract labor when you don’t know if you work next month or not. But, if you order from us then I can keep working at what I love to do and we all can be happy.
Thanks for reading!
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